The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 5

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 5

edited by Aneta Pawłowska, Adam Drozdowski and Agnieszka Kuczyńska

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Format17 x 24

The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 5


edited by Aneta Pawłowska, Adam Drozdowski and Agnieszka Kuczyńska

Through the ages, the African continent has evoked a growing amount of interest among many scholars of various professions. The 21st century brought about many changes and marked the beginning of a completely different outlook concerning the African continent. It is a time when the Western World is finally attempting to utilize the gathered anthropological data about this area, and at the same time it consequently tries to separate itself from the prevailing - until today, colonial perspective. This is also the moment when there is a significant reassessment of the unilateral and biased view of the so-called “African Tribal Cultures” which in the Western World were previously often treated as not having any form of art at all, as it was regarded as only merely craft and not true art. In the current 5th volume of The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, the authors decided to concentrate on the subject of contemporary art and architecture from Africa. The issues which are related to culture and aesthetics are not overlooked as well.

Table of contents

Olatunji Alabi Oyeshile
Re-Theorizing Indigenous African Art and Aesthetics for African Development: The Yoruba Example

Felix O. Olatunji
Art as an Integral Form of Development in Africa

Abedalrazak Ahmed Al-Nasiri
Cultural Modernization in Zanzibar 1890–1939

Blazej Ciarkowski
Universal or Indigenous? Modernist Architecture in Africa

Julia Sowińska – Heim
Contemporary architecture of the African Continent and its Role in Building Cultural Identity

Hayder Nadhim Shakir
The Architecture in Zanzibar during the Period (1840–1890)

Aneta Pawłowska
Joint Concepts of Primitivism and “Noble Savage” as Significant Inspiration for the Contemporary South African Artists

Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz
De-construction, Haunting, and Non-normative Representations – Chosen Strategies in Artistic Research on Redefining Postcolonial Identities in the Context of the Republic of South Africa

Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł
Antika – Ethiopian Airport Art as a Construction of Tradition

Małgorzata Szupejko
Wanjiku Character – A Commentator on Social Reality and Political Events. Caricature in Kenya

Zygmunt L. Ostrowski
History of Young Artist Discovered in Africa

Andrzej Jajszczyk
Review. Fascinating Contemporary African Art. Exhibition: Art/Afrique, le Nouvel Atelier

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