Art of the Armenian Diaspora

Art of the Armenian Diaspora

Waldemar Deluga (ed.)

51,75 zł


69,00 zł

Darmowa dostawa od 170 zł

Więcej szczegółów

SeriaWorld Art Studies
Liczba stron124
Format21 x 29

World Art Studies 20 (2020)

Art of the Armenian Diaspora. This volume includes 10 studies on the history and art of the Armenian Diaspora from the Byzantine to the modern period. The authors of the articles represent the most important research centres where research in the history of Armenian art is conducted. In several articles we have a presentation of unknown monuments like a recently discovered manuscript (from 1352), belonging to the collection of a French collector Guillaume Aral or the Armenian Bible from the Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon (17th Century). The book also includes historical articles about the Armenian Diaspora in Central Europe. The volume ends with articles on the present day.


Tabl e of contents


Waldemar Deluga

Emma Chookaszian
Sur quelques pages issues dun manuscrit de lecole de Crimee

Beatrice Tolidjan
The art of church building and facade decoration in Ottoman Macedonia. Resonances from medieval Armenia: an overview

Petra Košťalova
The Cultural Heritage of the Armenian traveler Simeon Lehatsi from Poland to the Ottoman Empire: A contribution to the History of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Claude Mutafian
Les Armeniens des Carpates face au proselytisme romano-grec

Hermine Grigoryan, Maria Joao Melo, Adelaide Miranda, Jorge Rodrigues
The Gulbenkian Bible (17th c.): an Interdisciplinary Study of a Precious Armenian Heritage

Vasso Rokou
Un paradoxe de limage, le mariage dAlexandre en Sogdianee. Un Alexandre de tradition armenienne a Tachkent

Magdalena Tarnowska
Rafał Hadziewicz (18031886) and His Paintings in Warsaw Churches

Iryna Hayuk
Collecting in the Environment of the Armenian Diaspora of the Eastern Europe

Dominika Maria Macios
Leopold Gaszczyk Unknown Photographer of Armenian Diaspora in Syria (19231947)

Dominika Maria Macios
Armenian Cultural Heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh Aspects of the Current Situation with an Appendix by Patrick Donabedian

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